Hello my beautiful friends,
I am so grateful for the mentorship and training I am receiving with Dr. Claire Zammit. Dr. Zammit is a revolutionary leader and is the founder of Women-Centered Transformational Coaching.
Through her research, she identified 21 inner barriers or inner glass ceilings that are the main blocks to women’s transformation.
These blocks come from how we have been socialized as women from society, epigenetics, and our family of origin. More about that later….
If you live in the "I am not enough" pattern, you are constantly looking for validation from others or things. The perfectionism is exhausting…let alone unattainable.
Some others include, I am not worthy and I am too much (that’s me).
So for me with the "I am too much" pattern, I live in a constant double bind because I know by experience if I share my energy, passions, leadership, ideas, etc., the system penalizes me and I shrink back down to try and fit into “the nice quiet little girl”. In this double bind, I live in a state of constant question and feeling like I need to play small to be accepted. It’s like constant containment of my energy and gifts. And I also know sometimes, I am too much and I now can see the effects of this on myself and others around me.
So many of my clients come to me for leadership coaching and we frequently uncover the I am too much pattern which has led to so many struggles in leadership..”You are too bossy, you are too aggressive.” Sound familiar?
But what if there is nothing wrong with you? What if the context you are in is not big enough to support your gifts etc..?
The process of transformation outlined by Dr. Zammit includes setting a vision, identifying and breaking through the inner glass ceilings, and mapping the growth pathway. This process is truly transformational and the reason women must be coached in this manner is to have truly profound shifts in their lives.
This process has transformed every area of my life and I know it will do the same for you.
I am passionate about helping high-achieving women in leadership who are in a state of constant self-doubt, self-criticism, perfectionism, and over-functioning, take back control and become empowered to lead with confidence in their personal and professional life through my Women Centered Empowerment Coaching Program.
Take back control, book a complimentary Breakthrough Call today!
I am Unapologetically Myself and loving it. I am becoming the best version of myself and so can you…Talk soon.